Month: May 2023

Despite Hong Kong steadily progressing with cryptocurrency adoption, mainland China has not changed its anti-crypto stance in terms of local regulations. Some Chinese state-affiliated banks have increasingly opened bank accounts to serve crypto clients in Hong Kong. CPIC Investment Management — a China government-backed firm regulated as a Hong Kong entity — even launched two cryptocurrency
In the United States, the White House released the national standards strategy for key and emerging technologies on May 4, identifying eight technology sectors that will have a significant economic impact in the near future. Among the eight technologies are artificial intelligence, communication and network technologies, biotechnology and semiconductors, with the inclusion of distributed ledger
The Nigerian Federal government said on May 3 it had passed what it called the “national blockchain policy.” The Nigerian minister of communications and digital economy, Isa Pantami, said the new policy is a product of consultations with 56 institutions and personalities. Lucky Uwakwe, the founder of the technology service delivery company Sabi Group, said
There’s a narrative that’s grown up around Ethereum’s two most important co-founders, Joe Lubin and Vitalik Buterin, to explain how they went in different directions almost a decade ago. It suggests the pair fell out over the blockchain’s future direction, with the idealistic 20-year-old Buterin determined to turn Ethereum into a nonprofit foundation, while Lubin
Bitcoin can be a good investment due to its potential for growth, increasing adoption, and potential for financial freedom. However, its volatility and lack of cash flow should be taken into consideration. Despite this, even small allocations of 1-3% to Bitcoin have shown significant outperformance compared to those who don’t invest in it. 🔥 GET
Layer-1 Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) blockchain platform Flare has integrated its application programming interface (API) portal on Google Cloud Marketplace, onboarding a number of significant blockchain APIs to the ecosystem. The integration of Google Cloud Marketplace will provide high-integrity blockchain data from Flare nodes and connected chain nodes to a large pool of developers and